Thursday May 12, 2022
LOA Daily - Aimee Duffy MD Talks Integrative Medicine
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Dr. Duffy is the author of the #1 International Bestselling author of
“Normal Doesn’t Have Side Effects”, award winning speaker at Harvard
Club of Boston, Nasdaq, New York City Bar Association, and CNN Center.
She talks with us today about the very small but growing role that
integrated medicine is playing in the larger medical community today.
It’s getting a lot of resistance (no surprise there) from mainstream
medicine, but it’s gaining a toe-hold.
One of the questions we asked Dr. Duffy about was what it’s going to
take for mainstream medicine to start embracing integrated medicine, not
to mention healing methodologies that are even more out on the fringes.
She admitted that she couldn’t answer the question.
What comes through brilliantly in the conversation today is a that Dr.
Duffy is one of a tiny minority of doctors who are taking tiny baby
steps to help the medical community as a whole to grow out of its
repressive and fearful state regarding healing alternatives.
Great discussion with a pioneer in her field!
Dr. Duffy’s website: https://www.aimeeduffymd.com/
Her #1 bestselling book, Normal Doesn’t Have Side Effects:
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